This is a very special blog post. While all of our wedding photography is creating a history for a new family, we don’t often photograph historical weddings. But Annabeth and Elaine’s wedding is just that. Historical. And so much more. From the very first email I received from Elaine, I knew that I wanted to not just photograph this wedding, but to become a part of their lives… to be their friend. Annabeth and Elaine are magical people who have an enormous and powerful effect on everyone they know. And nowhere was that more evident than on their wedding day. St. Luke’s Episcopal is not a small space, but it was absolutely filled with well-wishers. There were hundreds of people who wanted to be a part of the celebration of their love. The pews were packed from front to back of the church. When the worldwide Episcopal church decided to bestow official blessings to same sex couples, Annabeth and Elaine were selected by their fellow church members to be the first same-sex blessing celebrated at St. Luke’s in downtown Atlanta. They have been members of the church for many years, and it’s clear that they are deeply loved there. After nearly 25 years together, Annabeth and Elaine were finally made official in a beautiful St. Luke’s Episcopal Church blessing ceremony, surrounded by the smiles and tears and love of so many who adore them. This is the way it should be.
Thank you so very much Annabeth and Elaine for choosing us to be a part of your beautiful perfect day. I am so honored to have met you, photographed you, and celebrated with you. Also, you should know that The Holder of Light cried through your entire ceremony (there are photos), and again for your slideshow (no photos). We love you guys.